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Women's Network Luncheon with Tamara Lilly
Wednesday, March 08, 2023, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 1623

Tamara Lilly FB Event Cover

On Wednesday, March 8th, Tamara Lilly from Burgess Technology Services and Tamara Lilly VO & Creative will be presenting on cultivating your network. Join us at 11:30 AM at the Augusta Civic Center.

CULTIVATE YOUR NETWORK. The potential harvest is beyond your expectations.   

Description: None of us are defined by one role. Most of us are a dozen identities with knowledge and experience in a multitude of areas based on our history, education, skills, interests and environment. Some we share freely, some we keep buried. In this session, we’ll explore the unexpected depths of knowledge in any room and in your own network. We’ll discuss how you can access it yourself, and how you can be a resource to others in more ways than you currently imagine. Walking into a room with this knowledge will make you a more confident and effective networker.  

Take-Aways: You will Walk away with…  

  • A new understanding of the depth of resources available to you in your network. 
  • Renewed confidence in networking situations 
  • Courage to cultivate new connections. 
  • An improved sense of your exponential value to others. 

Speaker bio: Tamara Lilly is Business Support Specialist for Burgess Technology Services as well as a member of the chamber for her voiceover and public speaking coach business (She is proud to voice the Kenney Award videos annually and is the voice of KSB’s phone system as well!) In addition to the above roles, Tamara is a native Mainer, a rabid networker, actress, GSD mom, board gamer, emcee, abuse survivor, collector of sunrises, podcast host, happiest on the water and so… much… more. (As are YOU!)  Learn more at and!

Location Augusta Civic Center
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