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Lithgow Library ~ Heritage Winds Quintet
Friday, October 14, 2016, 10:00am
Hits : 1202
Contact 207-626-2415,

 Heritage Winds
Join us for a performance in the Community Room. Heritage Winds is the woodwind quintet component of the United States Air Force Heritage of America Band. As professional Airman-musicians, the members of Heritage Winds are dedicated to using the power of music to honor our veterans, inspire patriotism, communicate the Air Force story, and recruit those who are interested in serving our nation.

Heritage Winds offers innovative programming that covers a wide array of musical styles. The ensemble embraces the full range of the quintet repertoire, while also exploring various instrument combinations. The creative use of ensemble and instrumentation, combined with new arrangements and compositions, ensures that Heritage Winds provides audiences with a unique concert experience.

Location Lithgow Library, Community Room, 46 Winthrop Street, Augusta, ME 04330