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Chamber Connection with Troy Jackson, Senate President
Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 07:30am - 08:30am
Hits : 1303
Contact , (207) 623-4559

129th Maine State Legislature Update From the Senate President

Senate President Troy Jackson Troy Jackson 0033 3 1 e1549930454913 1024x742
 About Troy

On December 5, 2018, Senator Troy D. Jackson was chosen by his colleagues to become the 117th President of the Maine Senate. He was re-elected to his second term that previous November and represents the good people of Northern Aroostook County in Senate District 1.

President Jackson is a fifth-generation logger from Allagash whose participation in the 1998 logging blockade along the Canadian border launched him into politics. A lifelong resident of the St. John River Valley and a logger by trade, President Jackson is a passionate advocate for workers' rights, lower health care costs, property tax relief and economic opportunity.

In his inaugural address, President Jackson challenged his colleagues not to let what makes the Senate Chamber so strong - the diversity of backgrounds, experiences and identities - become its greatest weakness. He urged his peers to join him in showing the people of Maine what government can and should be, vowing to the leave the state stronger than he found it.

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Location Senator Inn & Spa, 284 Western Avenue, Augusta, ME
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